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Natural Health Care Protocols for...

  • Fatigue and Hormonal Issues
  • Fitness and Weight Loss
  • Musculoskeletal Issues
  • Joint Pain
  • Neuromuscular Conditions
  • Fertility
  • Thyroid Issues
  • Autoimmune & Chronic Conditions
  • Menopause
  • Allergies & Food Intolerances
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Acne & Skin Disorders
  • Mood disorders, Stress & Anxiety
  • Acute Conditions (Colds, Flu, Infection)
  • General & Sports Nutrition
  • Men, Women, and Children's health
  • Healthy Ageing


Diagnostic Tools


"The eyes are the windows to the soul"......   Our eyes can reveal many aspects about our health and identify areas of our body that may require nurturing.    In an iridology consultation, we will provide you with a photograph and analysis of your irises in respect to your overall health. 


Pathology Testing

Our practitioners have access to a wide range of pathology testing to assist with health diagnosis and management.  


Anatomical Pathology is the microscopic study of organs and tissues to determine the causes and effects of particular diseases.  Chemical Pathology is the study of chemical and biochemical mechanisms of the body in relation to disease.  Cytogenetics analyses abnormalities at a chromosomal level.  Haematology is the study of diseases which affect blood.  Clinical Immunology diagnoses  diseases arising from abnormal immune responses.  Microbiology isolates and identifies infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that cause disease.  Molecular Pathology encompasses DNA and RNA diagnostic tests (also referred to as nucleic acid tests) to detect genetic disease and infectious organisms.


Testimonials ......


"I have been struggling with hypothyroidism and an immune disorder for over two years and I am relieved and elated to have had Justine assist me in understanding and giving me hope in managing my condition.  Her caring nature and positive attitude have been an inspiration in helping me understand and take the initiative to help myself restore vitality and health in conjunction with my Specialist.  Justine has restored my confidence with her “holistic” approach giving me a renewed outlook that my health is finally moving into a positive direction."

Maria Maranis 

“Anywhere with Bianca McMahon involved can only be of the highest standard. Bianca is an exceptional communicator and possesses the ability to truly listen, bringing an exceptional level of care to every consultation. I can't wait to book in with her when the clinic opens, I expect she will have a waiting list within weeks. Do yourself a favour and pre-book now!”

Natasha Smits

“I know the training & passion of these professionals for their craft which is wellness. Whole body wellness.”

Michelle Giordano Ross

     (Health Insurance rebates & HICAPS available for select therapies!)


Naturopathy Rates

Initial Consultation: 1 hour – $120.oo * 

  • Case Taking

  • Plan for course of treatment

  • Herbal/Nutritional Prescription

  • Educational materials


Follow-Up Consultations: 1/2 hour – $80.oo *

  •  Treatment evaluation

  •  Treatment revision if necessary  

  •  Herbal/Nutritional Prescription if appropriate*

  •  Reschedule if necessary


* (These rates are indicative only and may vary from practitioner to practitioner. Please check each practitioner's fees individually.)

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